I’m pregnant! General tips to help to-be mothers

You just found out you are having a baby. Congratulations are in order! You are about to experience one of the most exhausting yet rewarding experience of your life: bearing and raising a child.

It all might seem daunting to you, with advice coming your way from every corner. Being confused is understandable at this stage, so here are some general tips and advice to get you started.

First, find a reliable doctor or midwife.

Which one you choose will depend on availability, the type of pregnancy, and your finances. Whichever you choose, this will be the most vital step to take to ensure good health for you and your baby to come. They will help you navigate the many health related aspects of pregnancy in a reliable and safe way.

Second, physical changes are to be expected

In the beginning of your pregnancy, you are likely to experience the dreaded morning sickness. But no fears, it probably won’t last for too long. Morning sickness is common during the first trimester, but it eases for most women during the second trimester. Another change that you might notice too during your pregnancy is your weight. If you see the scale go up, that is completely normal. Your body is working overtime to nourish you and the growing baby, and this weight gain is important for that.

However, a note to the wise, if you think you may be gaining too much weight, or are concerned about your weight gain, consult your doctor or caregiver. As a rule of thumbs, a good way to manage your weight is by eating as healthy as you can and slotting in some active time during your day, even if its just a short walk around your neighbourhood or a light workout at home (with consulting your doctor on what moves you can do of course).

Third, be prepared to ask for help or change things around the house for your ease and comfort

In the your early stages of pregnancy, your baby bump might not be as evident or causing you any movement issues. But, as you move along your pregnancy, especially during the third trimester, your baby bump will drop lower towards your pelvis to prepare for birth. This might cause back pain and some shortness of breath. Not to mention that some movements might seem impossible like tying your shoes, sleeping somewhat comfortably, getting up without assistance, or even bending over to grab a bag off the floor. When in time comes, it will be a good idea to rely on your partner or loved ones to help you around. If you live on your own, then try preparing for this moment to make things easier for you. For example, getting sandals instead of your regular shoes; putting your bags on a table that you can easily pick things up from; experimenting with different sleeping positions to find what is comfortable; sitting on chairs that are easier to get up from, etc…

I know it looks like this pregnancy thing is not an easy trip, so why go through all the trouble and in the end give birth to a baby that will keep you awake most of the night? I would encourage you to read the previous blog, Why Have a Baby, as it touches on this very question.

Fourth, remember that all pregnancies are unique.

Finally, remember that your experience might match someone else’s or it might not. You might have a smooth pregnancy, or there might be a few bumps along the road. It all depends on you, which can make it both exciting and terrifying. However, know that you have support systems around you. If you do not, maybe start building that bubble now: partner, loved ones, friends, doctors, midwifes, or even support groups around you. If you have concerns, talk with your partner, and consult your doctor or caregiver if you have specific questions. Remember, your loved ones will be your support system when you need it throughout your 9 months and beyond.

Good luck as you venture into the journey of motherhood. It is a lifelong trip, filled with challenges, but also filled with love, memories to last a lifetime, family, and warmth. The Precious Mini blog will be there with you every step of the way as you navigate the road to motherhood.

Source: Better Health Channel, a website managed and authorised by the Department of Health, State Government of Victoria, Australia.